Monday 15 November 2010

Why WOULD anyone vote No to AV?

Myself, I can only think of 3 reasons why someone might choose to vote No to AV. And none of them are particularly good ones.

1) You think FPTP is better than AV. This is the logical reason to vote no, but I'd like you to have a read of this page which explains very well why AV is an improvement. The comments sections will iron out any further confusions as well. And if you have time browse around the rest of this excellent site.

2) You really want PR and you think voting for AV first is selling everyone short. In that case please read my own article on Why Those in Favour of PR Should Vote Yes to AV

3) You stand to lose from fairer votes because you vote for a particular party that does well in your constituency. This is very sad. It's an undemocratic view and denying other people the right to a fair vote just because "you're all right jack" is plain wrong. You're worried about minority parties or the BNP? Well the way to keep them out is to make sure no-one WANTS to vote for them, not to make sure that no-one CAN vote for them, and the way to do that is to give them better options. It's been said that the BNP are against AV anyway. Above all, a voting system is for the VOTERS and not for parties. 

So deciding the merits of a voting system based on which parties benefit the most from it is wrong. And don't forget that while your party may do well in your own constituency, the would be voters of your preferred party in other constituencies find themselves voting for another party instead because they feel it's the only way their vote isn't wasted. So even within your own party, whichever party that may be, your I'm All Right Jack Attitude is giving off a pretty bad odour.

But for those of you who don't want to be bogged down in voting mechanics
With AV MPs have to work harder. It's that simple.

They have to work harder to win support from beyond their core minority of voters, that might keep their seats safe under FPTP.

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